I was laying on this nice comfortable spot on the bed, then mommy takes my picture before picking me up and throwing me out of the bedroom. She doesn't like kitties in the bedroom when she is sleeping.
Is it Christmas Yet? Mommy says that many of the department stores has Christmas Stuff out already.
We like to play in the empty boxes.
We like to play with the paper.
We Really Like the tree with all sorts of toys hanging from it. It really is fun knocking them off the tree.
We can't wait!
There were more beans in the house, so we are hanging out in the parents room. We were especially trying to stay away from the little beans who try to chase after us. They get way too excited over our cuteness.
Mommy seems to think that this is her chair, in reality it is my chair. I will lay in at my will. The benefit of laying in mommy's lap is that she pets me. The couch and other recliner is mine too.
I thought I would check out what mom is doing and maybe get some attention. She did give me some attention, but chased me away. That is ok, I just came back for more.