Friday, January 29, 2021

Mom Needs Help With Fleas

  Mom has been trying to get rid of fleas for two months. She understands that these fleas have a 3 month cycle, but they pesky things don't seem to go away. we have already had a treatment from the vet, got a flea collar, got an over the counter flea treatment, vacuuming everyday, and we are tired of getting a bath every other day.

Please help us get rid of these fleas. Any advise would be helpful.

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  1. Capstar pills from Chewy can be used often and kill any fleas on the cat immediately. When we had fleas in 2014, I used those along with Bravecto ( a 3 month treatment from the vet- goes on back of the neck). Make sure you clean the vacuum out every time because those little suckers crawl right out.

  2. WoW! Not fun! It took us a couple weeks to finally get rid of all the fleas. We did not want to use anything that would be toxic for the pets so we used baking soda and vinegar and salt. We used baking soda mixed with salt on the soft surfaces. First, all the sofa blankets, all the bedding all the soft toys (anything movable fabric) was thrown outside until it got its turn to be washed in the washing machine. We swept the floor and sprinkled baking soda with salt on the rug,(Our house has wall to wall carpeting) we then used a broom to make sure it got into the rug fibers and the chairs the sofa then vacuumed and vacuumed and vacuumed. We washed all the floors and hard surfaces with vinegar and We sprinkled and worked in the mix in the cat's fur and then bathed the cats. We put the special drops from the vet on the cats. We even did the bed mattresses as UTB was a favorite spot for the cats. To this day we continue to sprinkle baking soda on the rug before we vacuum and we wash the floors with vinegar all year round. Its been about 7 years since we had any fleas in the house. Good luck!
    Your art is terrific!

  3. Sorry about the fleas. Sounds nasty. Hope you get it sorted soon x

  4. Diatomaceous earth is safe - even to put directly on the animal. Just keep at it. We use Catego which does ticks too.

