Friday, August 6, 2021

Caturday Art

 We have officially moved in to the new house. 

Good news: There is more space for us to explore.

Bad news: We have to share this space with another cat, Shadow. Shadow is less than a year old and is still a kitten full of energy. His human lives in the basement of the house and he spends most of day there, but he doesn't like spending most of the day there.

I don't like him and will hiss at him. He needs to stay in the basement.
I don't think Gambit likes his either, but he puts up with him.

Mom did buy the taco truck she saw at Jaz and Misty's house. Mom got it on sale at Target.  We did not have interest in the truck. Shadow enjoyed it and we learned that he destroyed it. It is cardboard after all.
Here we are are moving to the house.
And me supervising the packing.

 We will be sharing this post with:


  1. Glad you like your new house. Sorry you fish truck got ruined though.

  2. We hope you all get settled in, and Shadow becomes easier to get along with.

  3. Love the art. Hope you and Shadow get to be friends!

  4. I hope you guys and Shadow adjust to each other. It's always better to get along with the roomies.

  5. We hope you and Shadow become furriends. After all, he must feel a bit alarmed when new kitties come into what used to be "his" space. And he is only a kitten, after all.

  6. Oh my, moving into a new space can be overwhelming. New smells, textures, sizes - not to mention other inhabitants. Hoping that it can be a Partay again soon! Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

  7. Congratulations on your new home. Enjoy
    I am at #16 on the linky


